Friday, January 28, 2011

Let's introduce - The Leapfrog learning DVD set, again!!

We just discovered Renzo's recent progress which he likes to "show off" a bit only when he is in good mood.

Here is a video clip of Renzo reciting the Chinese poem 《悯农》 that I've been reading this to him a few times every night for a month and my hard work got paid off, just last night (Jan 27), he could finally recite this whole poem all on his own, and praise himself "GOOD BOY" when he's done.
chu2 he2 ri4 dang1 wu3, han4 di1 he2 xia4 tu3
shui2 zhi1 pan2 zhong1 can1, li4 li4 jie1 xin1 ku3

Besides the "睡吧睡吧, 我亲爱的小宝贝" song he used to sing along with me, he learned a new one from Ayeaye.
"Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky!"
Those words highlighted in red are the ones he could remember and sing on his own, and I am sure he will remember the entire lyrics in no time!

Some of my mummy friends asked me why is Renzo able to start talking so early. Well, like I always said every kid is special so I don't think there's a concern about being able to do something earlier or later than other kids. Even siblings also have very different progressions. Just like many kids started walking at 9 - 10 months but Renzo only started at 15 months. We don't have to compare them, they will be able to do the same eventually and it is just a matter of time.

But of course I have to say that it is most fun to see how your kid learn to talk, as there's so much communication and interaction. So I've been recommending this set of Leapfrog DVD (yup it's leapfrog again) to many of my friends, as I truly believe it helped to stimulate Renzo's brain and accelerate his language learning capabilities.

For those of you who are interested to get it, i got mine from this seller on SMH:

For young kids around Renzo's age, I would highly recommend this set:
Leapfrog Learning DVD Set BP Price: S$45
(i) Leapfrog Letter Factory - Renzo learned A - Z from this, although he only knows the phonic sounds of a few alphabets as of now, it's a perfect start for babies around 6 - 12 months of age
(ii) Leapfrog Talking Words Factory - pretty short but boring clip, we played this for a few times only. [Added on July 20, 2011] We recently took this piece out and started playing for Renzo since he's too familiar and maybe in a way, bored with other 2 discs. We realized it's better to play this disc only after your child has mastered all his phonics sounds. It's much easier to catch the little one's attention as simple and complicated words are introduced in this disc.
(iii) Leapfrog Let's Go to School - Renzo's favorite as it comes with so many songs, he learned Sunday to Saturday, 1 - 20 and many animals all from this disc
(iv) 26 pieces flashcards - We have not opened this yet, just playing normal flash cards with Renzo as we want to keep the whole set intact

i'll leave you with an audio clip of Renzo (taken in dark just before Renzo's bedtime). In this clip, he names the days in order and there's another recitation of 《悯农》.

Have fun mummies and babies!!

(Subtitles courtesy of Daddy Chan)

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